Tournament Details
Western Province Bowls
3 April to 9 April 2022
Jenny Phillips
Denise Vermeulen
021 531 1541
Winners and Photographs
Please view our news article for more details of the winners (with pictures)!
Draws and Results – Ladies
Championship Playoffs to Final
Draws and Results – Men
Championship Playoffs to Final
Personal Trust | Western Province All Cape Handbook 2022
Your Questions Answered
Entry Details
- The Club Closing Date for entries is 7 February 2022. The closing date for entries to reach Denise at finance@wpbowls.co.za is 14 February 2022. Only entries which are submitted via Club Secretaries to their District Secretary will be accepted.
- District Secretaries are to please submit the final Summary Sheet to Denise by 14 February 2022.
- Proof of payment for the entry fees (number of teams entered x R600) is to accompany the individual entry forms or your summary sheet. Please advise all entrants to use their Club and their Skip’s name as a payment reference.
- Please ensure that BSA membership numbers are included on the entry forms. This means that no country, associate, social members or other subsidiary class of members may participate.
Drakes Pride Bowls Raffle
The entry amount includes a Raffle Sheet (20 tickets) which will be allocated a page number by our office as and when official team entries are received.
A set of Drakes Pride Bowls are up for grabs for each Tournament (Men’s & Ladies).
Should any club wish to sell additional lists, please inform our office and we will get additional sheets to you.
Dual Members
Dual Members may play for any Club of which they are a Member, subject to:
- Both Clubs being in the same District, and
- The Member having the agreement of the Club concerned.
Tournament Handbook
The official Tournament Handbook will not be printed in 2022. Instead, it will be available on our website for anyone to view. Please note the following:
- We aim to use this as the platform for clubs to advertise activities around the tournament at their clubs so that players can plan their tournament days to the fullest. Clubs wishing to use this opportunity should contact Jenny Phillips at exec1@wpbowls.co.za by the 14th February 2022 for costs and inclusion into the first release of the handbook on the 21st February (this will be without the draws). Further information on this will be sent to clubs soon.
- An invitation is also extended to all Clubs to sponsor a greeting-cum-courtesy message at R100 for the one-liner which is to be included in the Tournament Handbook. Please send this to Jenny Phillips at exec1@wpbowls.co.za by 14th February 2022.
- Badges have to be pre-ordered and no additional badges will be on sale when the tournament commences.
- Skips are to please indicate on the entry form as to how many badges are required at R30 per badge.
All entrants are requested to indicate their preferred zone for play in the Round Robin section of the Tournament. The zones are:
Kuilsrivier to Gordons Bay
Durbanville to Milnerton
Pinelands to Fish Hoek
We will endeavour to place all teams in their preferred zone, but preference will be given to teams from outside Western Province for zoning. Playoffs and finals will be played at Headquarters, which is Western Province Cricket Club.
Branded Clothing
The All Cape 2022 Tournament is very proudly sponsored by Personal Trust.
Advise ALL Skips (also noted on the entry form) that Branded clothing in direct opposition to our Sponsor, may not be worn. If unsure, before teams have kit made up, please check with Jenny Phillips.
As in previous years, there is an All Cape sponsors branded shirt available for order directly with the suppliers and information about these will be sent under separate cover.
Entry Forms and other Documents
Accommodation Options
All Cape 2022 Shirt
On behalf of the tournament committee, I am pleased advise that we are once again offering the opportunity to order the All Cape 2022 shirt for everyone entering the tournament. The shirts have been approved the tournament sponsor, Personal Trust.
Shirts are being made by GB Sublimation and details on how to order are shown below.
Golf Shirt with raglan sleeve (honeycomb material) @ R250 each
Closing Date
Orders must be submitted by 16 February 2022
To Order
Send your orders to Gerty at gerty@gbsublimation.co.za
Your order must include the Skip’s name as reference and proof of payment
Payment Details
First National Bank
Shirts will be delivered to the following clubs – depending on which zone you are drawn in
Helderberg (Helderberg Basin)
Durbanville or Edgemead (Northern Suburbs)
WPCC (Southern Suburbs)
If you would prefer to have them couriered directly to you, please contact Gerty for courier costs.
Sizing Details and Colour Chart