The Greens Care Committee
The Greens Care Standing Committee has a wealth of experience when it comes to maintaining and improving your greens.
They regularly produce newsletters with advice and information which is invaluable to anyone who has any interest in keeping their greens in perfect condition.
The committee meets monthly at 10:00 at various venues throughout our District. Greenkeepers are welcome to attend these meetings, particularly when they are in your vicinity. Greenkeepers can contact Bill McCarthy (0837117380) or Terry Hepworth (0832671751) to determine the date and the venue for these meetings.
WhatsApp Group
There is also a very useful WhatsApp facility for Greenkeepers and any other Club members who might be interested in sharing ideas and asking questions relating to greens maintenance. If you wish to join this group, contact Vernon Dryden at 0832677564.
Green Levels
In order to assist Clubs in carrying out regular surveys of the levels on their greens, an Excel programme has been developed which makes it easy for Clubs to enter their levels and determine their ratings. This can be accessed by entering Ron Cubitt Levels on Google.